Why over think it, just drink it!
Call: 855-466-8434
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Beginner to Intermediate Attendee Event 
This event is designed for those that know very little about wine to those that have a working knowledge but want to learn more.  This event is perfect for the attendee that wants to know how to select a wine to pair with the dinner they are serving, or how to pick the right wine in a restaurant.  This is the type of event that we enjoy most.  It is fun, interactive, and informative.  We promise that you will go away with a wealth of knowledge and have so much fun, the next day you will be asking yourself; “When did I learn all of that.”

What kind of wine will be tasted you ask?  We promise that it won’t be the $2.97 Wal-Mart selection, not that there is anything wrong with that wine.  We feel that if you are paying for a professional class, you should be tasting higher quality wines.  We assure you that the wine you will taste will be worth more than if you spent the class fee on wine at your favorite wine bar.  So look at it this way…you can spend $25 on three glasses of wine at your favorite restaurant, or you can spend the same amount with us and get a fun informative event thrown in for free.

We offer a number of different event types from a small group of friends in your home to really large corporate events, 
Intermediate to Advanced Attendee Event 
What is the difference between the beginner and the advanced event you ask?  The simple answer is, “The quality of the wine and the complexity of the conversation.”  When we direct an event for the more advanced wine drinker we want to make sure we hold their palate and peak their interest.

In this event we break out the parker rated and small batch productions.  Although we do not go into the soil Ph in British Columbia, we will discuss the finer points of wine.  A WINE KNOW is committed to making sure that all of our events are fun and light hearted…thus our motto; “Why over think it, just drink it!”  However in the advanced event you will find that we are a little more technical in our approach.  The wineknows that direct these events have been around the vineyard a little more in depth than your average wine drinker. 

Fundraisers and Charity Events
Well… after all, this is where we got our start. We have directed a number of fund raisers in the last few years for Rotary Groups, Lions, library boards, booster clubs, and private charities. We have decided that going forward, at least 10% of all of the events that we direct will be for charity or fund raising organizations.

If you want to learn how we can put 50 people in a room for two hours and raise a minimum of $2500, then give us a call, 501c3 status is not required.  The only thing that your group will be asking when we are done is, “When are we going to do this again.”

Server Training for Businesses
Contact Us
A WINE KNOW is the only one to call.
Your servers are TABC certified, so they know how to check and ID ... but do they know how to sell wine?

From proper presentation and serving to up selling and food pairing recommendations, our server training class teaches your staff how to present your wine list properly. Whether you offer five selections or fifty, we can increase your wine sales in the first week.